The Seventh Home begins at the point of sunset. This home affects not the self, as does the First House, but the other people with whom you associate, or ally yourself. It rules all partners with whom you have contact. It, therefore, includes business partners as well as the marriage partner. The conditions of this house indicate how you act in public, and the type of public you attract. It shows the public's reaction to you. This House is the reciprocal or opposite of the First House and this is an extremely important note. (NOTE - Observation and recording have concluded that the six Houses below the Horizon are dependents of demand or of the inclination to act while the six above the horizon afford the native the facilities for action. Each separate House acts in a reciprocal or complimentary manner to its opposing house.
The Seventh House of the Horoscope is a very important House for it is one of the Houses of Association, and its influences, good or bad will bring great happiness or great unhappiness.
The Fiery Signs invariably show that there is a great deal of impulse in the forming of attachments and in the steps toward marriage and wisdom and care is always necessary not to confuse fascination with true love. They incline to an early marriage. The Earthy signs will lend more discrimination in the choice of a marriage partner and the tendency to rush marriage is absent. The Airy Signs attract towards marriage because of the desire for companionship and affection. The Watery Signs attract to marriage but more so because of the domestic comforts and amenities for all these signs manifest a natural desire for home comforts and the home side of life.
When considering marital affairs the position of the Sun in a female horoscope and of the Moon in a male horoscope must be scanned and its Sign position should blend with the Sign indication of the Seventh House. Of course, if the Sun is posited in the Seventh House in a female horoscope or the Moon in a male horoscope, then the influence of the Sign will be proportionately enhanced.
In the final assessment of marital matters and the prospects of marriage, the positions of the Sun and Moon should always be considered and the planetary influence analyzed.
In a Mundane Figure, the Seventh House stipulates the public as an organized social unit, depicting the social consciousness of the people and the relative status of the nation among the nations of the world. It also points to the conditions, circumstances and events affecting the social evolution of that nation.
In a Court of Law the Seventh House heralds the plaintiff and the lawyers.
In an organization it depicts the relationship with other organizations through contracts, trade agreements, mergers, cartels, or reciprocal arrangements.
This house of sex is also the house of sex-sublimination. It is when the kundalini power rises high that sexual lust gets transformed into love and a sadhak feel the spiritual vibrations of the rising kundalini.