Dr. Upendra Agarwal

created by
Dr. Upendra Agarwal

Monday, November 29, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 29)

The Twelfth House (Enmities & Secrets) 

 The Twelfth House defines your foundations, together with the subconscious and all that hampers and restricts your power of expression. It denotes the basic strength or weakness of your body and soul. 

Hereditary weaknesses lie in the Fourth and Sixth Houses and not in the Twelfth. This House rules institutions of all kinds, hospitals, limiting circumstances, secrets of all kinds, and also secret enemies. It is the House of large animals.

This is one of the unfortunate Houses of the Horoscope and indicates some of the difficulties which one can expect to encounter, particularly as a result of the unfriendliness, enmity and unfair competition of other people. The Sign on the cusp of this House will show the avenues and interests of life most likely to bring enmity and unpleasantness whereas the presence of a planet in this House often accentuates the liability toward enmity, particularly if Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn or Mars happens to be there.

The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter are not so productive of enmity and can in certain instances bring compensations.

Restrictive conditions and liability towards imprisonment are also indicated and in certain instances should the planet Mars be therein it would signify the danger of being taken a prisoner of war, of being interned or of being put into a concentration camp.

The Twelfth House signifies in addition the things that one can do that interfere with the progress or development in the life and that constitute what is termed self-undoing. This often occurs when the ruling planet (that is the planet which rules the Rising Sign) happens to be placed in the House and sometimes when the Moon happens to be there. In certain instances it indicates financial and other losses connected with the business or profession more so when the ruler of the Sign on the cusp of the Tenth House happens to be there. If, however, there are no planets in the Twelfth House the liability towards enmity, loss and self-undoing is considerably lessened.

In a Mundane figure it heralds labor disturbances, plagues and epidemics and conditions that militate against the public welfare. Correctional institutions, jails, prisons and workhouses all come under its influence.
In an organization it represents the dissolution of the organization as an entity.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 28)

The Eleventh House (Friends & Hopes)

 The Eleventh House rules the friends you have acquired and among whom you circulate, also the groups you belong to. It exerts influence on your hopes and wishes and it will determine your main objective or goal in life. It exerts some rule over the money you earn from any profession since it is so close to the Tenth House.

The Eleventh House is one of companionable Houses. It has rule over friendships and associations and shows the degree of benefit or loss sustained through the influence or actions of friends and the nature of the associations that one formed.

If there are no planets in the House then the Sign radiation will be particularly strong but if there are planets therein then their nature will need to be taken into account with allowances for the Sign involved. If the natures are harmonious then the benefits will be enhanced but if the natures are discordant then the liabilities to loss and disappointments will be intensified.

Generalizing, you could say that the Cardinal Signs on the cusp of the Eleventh House will bring friendship that will help in the advancing of personal desires and wishes. The Fixed Signs will invariably help to create more lasting friendships, so long as, in the case of Scorpio particularly, the line of demarcation between friendship and sex is strictly observed. Mutable Signs indicate the attraction of many associations but do not always lead to definite and lasting friendships. Pisces being the best Sign so long as discrimination is exercised.

The Fiery Signs indicate the making of impulsive friendships and associations. The Earthy Signs seem to indicate that the native will exercise more thought and consideration in the formation of friendships and associations. These two usually prove to be lasting, although Virgo can destroy the friendships made by giving way to unwise criticism. The Airy Signs being the companionable Signs make friendships quite readily and easily although Gemini is not as likely to hold the association as the other two signs. The Watery Signs because of their emotional nature manifest a distinct desire for friendships. Cancer and Pisces are excellent here but Scorpio signifies possible difficulties as a result of jealousy or possessiveness.

In Mundane Figure the Eleventh House influences the legislative branches of the government.
In a National Figure it concerns the treasury, as distinguished from the Secretary of the Treasury.
In an organization it relates to any other friendly organization.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 27)

The Tenth House (Professions)

The Tenth House begins at the point of noon. This House is assigned to all the ways through which your nature is revealed to the World. It signifies things such as parentage, social status and most essentially the profession which the native follows.
In the complexity of the modern day World the professions demand considerable forethought and discrimination owing to the vast complexities of modern activities and to the fact that women as well as men compete in almost every possible sphere. This means that the majority of the professions now deal with both the man and the woman and, although there still exists a degree of discrimination against women, more often than not qualifications and talent transcend sex.
Although the signification shown here apply specifically to the Tenth House influences it will sometimes be found that the activities indicated can be associated with the sign on the cusp of the Sixth House as this House also exerts an influence in matters involving profession and industry and in certain instances can apply when the native is working for other people.
The Cardinal Signs demonstrate the capacity for business activity connected with public and private companies, although Libra is sometimes associated with partnerships.
The Fixed Signs are more often concerned with the mechanics of medium sized public or private companies. 

They sometimes suggest the man in business for himself without any partners.
The Mutable Signs are in general more indicative of holding a position under others.
If a Fiery Sign is on the cusp of the Tenth House then the factor of personal energy, courage and initiative will be very distinct and opportunities more readily capitalized on.

If an Earthy Sign is on the cusp there will be greater capacity for hard work, for planning and attention to detail.
If an Airy Sign occupies the cusp there will be a distinct talent for modifying the differences and problems arising between groups of workers and management.
If a Watery Sign should be placed on the cusp there is invariably more adaptability to the fluctuations of circumstance.
In a Mundane Figure it donates a Chief Executive.
In a court of law it depicts the judge.
In an organization it influences the supreme or governing authority; the president, or chairman of the board.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 26)

The Ninth House (Travel & Religion)
The Ninth House signals influence over long-distance travel, overseas travel, law, religion, marriage, relatives, philosophy, or the business partner's relatives. A long journey in astrology means one of over twenty-four hours. Someday no journey will take that long as science continues to unravel the mysteries of the universe. The Ninth House is also the House of publication, particularly bound books, and treatises that are meant to be long-lasting.
The Ninth House governs long-distance travel in contradistinction to the Third House which rules short or medium distance journeys. It stipulates the religious and associated interests concerning the higher minded rather than the ordinary studies of an educational and kindred nature as ruled by the Third House. It also influences matters concerning relatives by marriage or the business partner's relatives instead of one's own personal relatives. The nature of the sign on the cusp of the House will indicate the prospects of long-distance travel. It will influence the personal attitude of the native towards religion and the reaction of the marriage or business partner's relatives toward oneself and vice-versa.
The Mutable Signs exhibit the strongest signification of long-distance and overseas travel. They also point to the space age travel.
The Cardinal Signs are next in line as far as affects involving long-distance travel. They exert their strongest influence predominantly in regard to sea or water travel.
The Fixed Signs promulgate that long-distance and overseas travel will be more likely to depend on the material and financial situation in which the native finds himself. There may always be a strong desire for travel here but the means will not always be readily available.

The Ninth House also renders influence in legal matters. Depending on the Sign present on the cusp of the Ninth House, the native will approach the legal profession.
In a Mundane Figure the Ninth House distinguishes the long-distance passenger, freight transportation and communications, by or over sea, air, and land. It also indicates inclination towards religion and clergy.
In a National Figure the Ninth House heralds the Secretary of the State as a government official, the educated classes and those who control or govern the reading, writing or traveling habits of the public.
In an organization it influences advertising, long distance communications and the relations with educational institutions and publications.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 25)

The Eighth House (Death and Inheritance)
The Eighth House exerts influence over sex, death, legacies, insurance policies, regeneration, inheritance and the partner's money. The term legacy must be broadened to include not merely money but equipment, education help, etc., received from the family or other sources during the lifetime.
It has rule over the condition of death, both an individual's own death and the death of his aquaintances. In each case the condition can be viewed from either a disturbed emotional, or unhappy standpoint, or looked forward to from the standpoint of relief from personal anxieties and physical afflictions in the case of personal death. It can be viewed as a deriving of material and financial benefit as a result of legacy or inheritance, or the breaking of an uncongenial tie, through the death of another person.
The Fiery Signs on the cusp of the Eighth House are invariably indicative of a quick death but not necessarily a violent one. Inheritance under this Sign is a very bright prospect.
An Earthy Sign on the cusp here will generally strengthen the native's grasp on his life functions. He will usually not die suddenly or unexpectedly although there are exceptions to this rule if Taurus is on the cusp. This is because Taurus is a fixed sign and does have a definite influence on the heart. An Earthy Sign on the cusp does not give too strong an indication of benefit through the death of others.
A Watery Sign on the cusp promises a comparable lengthy life. Generally such Signs signify death through natural causes. The Watery Signs are the most likely to insure benefit through the death of other people.
When an Airy Sign resides on the cusp of the Eighth House the indications are somewhat contrary regarding the probable duration of life. Libra executes the longest duration with
Aquarius next and Gemini exuding the shortest duration. The death of other people whether immediate family, relatives or others will bring a mental and emotional reaction usually because of a breaking in some way of the factor of companionship or association.
Financial and other benefits can come through the deaths and in many instances be associated with the death of the partner (Libra), or a relative (Gemini) or a friend or associate (Aquarius).
In a Mundane Figure the Eighth House affects the public income, income from exports, and the earning power of the nation chiefly from the standpoint of the man who pays. It also characterizes the birth and morality rates especially in different class groups.
In a National Figure it influences the national treasurer as a government official, distinct from the treasury itself.
In an organization it determines losses and gains through or on account of death, or in connection with the estates of deceased persons.
It should be noticed that the fourth house is the house of spirituality and salvation inthe trines given before. The eighth house is the second of such house, but being asecret house (eighth house is a hidden house) one practices one’s sadhana insecluded and cloistered places. It is true that this house also represents agonieswhich must include spiritual disappointments in the act attaining a blissful state of
Longevity, kind of death, sexual organs, obstacles, accident, unearned wealth, inheritance, legacy, will, insurance, pension and gratuity, theft, robbery, worries, delay, battles, enemies, inheritance of money, mental affliction, extramarital life.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 24)

The Seventh House (Marriage and Partnership)

The Seventh Home begins at the point of sunset. This home affects not the self, as does the First House, but the other people with whom you associate, or ally yourself. It rules all partners with whom you have contact. It, therefore, includes business partners as well as the marriage partner. The conditions of this house indicate how you act in public, and the type of public you attract. It shows the public's reaction to you. This House is the reciprocal or opposite of the First House and this is an extremely important note. (NOTE - Observation and recording have concluded that the six Houses below the Horizon are dependents of demand or of the inclination to act while the six above the horizon afford the native the facilities for action. Each separate House acts in a reciprocal or complimentary manner to its opposing house.

The Seventh House of the Horoscope is a very important House for it is one of the Houses of Association, and its influences, good or bad will bring great happiness or great unhappiness.

The Fiery Signs invariably show that there is a great deal of impulse in the forming of attachments and in the steps toward marriage and wisdom and care is always necessary not to confuse fascination with true love. They incline to an early marriage. The Earthy signs will lend more discrimination in the choice of a marriage partner and the tendency to rush marriage is absent. The Airy Signs attract towards marriage because of the desire for companionship and affection. The Watery Signs attract to marriage but more so because of the domestic comforts and amenities for all these signs manifest a natural desire for home comforts and the home side of life.

When considering marital affairs the position of the Sun in a female horoscope and of the Moon in a male horoscope must be scanned and its Sign position should blend with the Sign
indication of the Seventh House. Of course, if the Sun is posited in the Seventh House in a female horoscope or the Moon in a male horoscope, then the influence of the Sign will be proportionately enhanced.

In the final assessment of marital matters and the prospects of marriage, the positions of the Sun and Moon should always be considered and the planetary influence analyzed.

In a Mundane Figure, the Seventh House stipulates the public as an organized social unit, depicting the social consciousness of the people and the relative status of the nation among the nations of the world. It also points to the conditions, circumstances and events affecting the social evolution of that nation.

In a Court of Law the Seventh House heralds the plaintiff and the lawyers.

In an organization it depicts the relationship with other organizations through contracts, trade agreements, mergers, cartels, or reciprocal arrangements.

This house of sex is also the house of sex-sublimination. It is when the kundalini power rises high that sexual lust gets transformed into love and a sadhak feel the spiritual vibrations of the rising kundalini.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 23)

The Sixth House (Health and Work)

The Sixth House describes the general health of the native, and the type of sickness to which he is prone. It also determines the conditions with which the daily work is carried out, even though this normally is shown by the Tenth House. Its chief concern, however, is to elucidate the conditions surrounding the work or duty involved and the reaction where co-workers, employers or employees are concerned.

The Zodiacal Sign actually on the cusp of the Sixth House will show the degree of physical strength or weakness and the ailments to which the individual will be susceptible.

Naturally a blending of the Sign influence and any planet in the Sixth House must be made in order to gauge the outcome from the standpoint of health and sickness. In addition to the Sixth House effects, the Sign that contains the Sun, and the one containing the Moon, will exert a direct effect even though the Sun and the Moon are not in the Sixth House. The Sign containing the planet that is the ruler of the Sign on the cusp of the Sixth House affords some added information.

While studying these influences it must constantly be remembered that the Sun's position will show the physical strength whereas the Moon's position will influence the functional side of nature.

So far as conditions of work are concerned, considered apart from the actual nature of the vocation that is followed, one has to make allowance for one of three factors, i.e., whether the individual under consideration is employed, is an employer, or carries out vocational activities on his or her own initiative. The Cardinal Signs on the cusp of the Sixth House give the strongest indication of the exercising of control over others. The Fixed Signs show the greater capacity for the actual carrying out of work or duties. Mutable signs demonstrate such in-between positions as Foreman or Shop-Steward. The Fire Signs will undoubtedly increase the natural enthusiasm for the work being done.

In a Mundane Figure it enhances the public health and the laboring class including all involuntary services rendered by the people.

In a National Figure it favors any political party supporting Labor.

In a Court of Law the deliberations of the jury and the Court records and reports are influenced by the Sixth House. In an organization the Sixth House affects the attitudes, efficiency and general conditions of the employees.

In the life of a spiritual practitioner fifteen types of distractions are normal. More
often than not these take a person away from the desired spiritual path. To overcome such distractions, a malefic in the sixth house is always good. As it is, a malefic in the sixth house is good for ensuring sound health and the tenacity to overcome obstacles. In spiritual life this house helps in developing one pointed concentration.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 22)

The Fifth House (Family and Romance)

The Fifth House of the horoscope governs the principle of creation - physical, artistic, and financial. This House is assigned to children and also to things that cause thrills and excitement, such as theatres, entertainment, gambling and speculation. It will show the physical capacity for procreation, whether one is likely to have a large or small family, and the sex which will be likely to predominate. At the same time, in judging matters to do with children it is essential to study the horoscope of both parents for the Fifth House of one may contradict the Fifth House of the other and the indication of a large family in one may be offset by the other.

The nature of the Sign on the cusp of the Fifth House is very important for certain Signs are known as fruitful Signs and others as barren Signs.
  FRUITFUL                 BARREN
                                                         Cancer                       Gemini  
                                                         Scorpio                      Leo  
                                                         Pisces                       Virgo

The rest of the Signs exercise a more or less normal radiation. Of course there are instances when, even with fruitful Signs on the cusp of the Fifth House, either a small or no family at all occurs. Alternatively, barren Signs on the cusp of the Fifth House do not always deny a family. A great deal will depend on whether or not there is a planet in the Fifth House or the Sign position of the planet ruling the Fifth House.

The financial creative power as far as speculation and investment of the native is also tempered by the aspects made to or by any planet in the Fifth House or to or by the planet ruling the Sign on the cusp of Fifth. Good aspects will assist matters to do with money but bad aspects will bring difficulties and accentuate denying vibrations.

The artistic expression of the native is determined by the influence of the Fifth House depending, once again, on the Sign and planetary determinants involved.

In a Mundane Figure the Fifth House signifies children and their attitude and their complete environment, schools, amusements, sports, etc. It also expresses public speculations and investments and the inclination to receive or pay debts. And since it is the realm of the country's creative and procreative activities, it indicates the probable changes in the birth rate during the period immediately following that for which the Figure is cast. In a National Figure it affects the upper legislative house.

In an organization it determines the executive personnel.

An important principle of Hindu astrology is that if a planet aspects its own house, that house gets strengthened. This should be seen very closely in the case of the fifth house around which revolves the realization of the potency of mantra, yantra, because this house is important in two ways: in the case of the individual whose horoscope is being examined, it represents the spiritual merit of his past life and in the case of his father, it is the house of his spiritual merit of his present life. It is a good fifth house that bestows viveka or a sense of discrimination and deep spiritual wisdom born both of the reading of scriptures and spirituals practices.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 21)

The Fourth House (Endings)

The Fourth House begins at the point of midnight. For this reason it is assigned to all endings, to old age, and to old people. It also exercises power over the family life into which we are born, i.e., the home life created either by the parents or, in certain instances, the foster parents, or the communal type of home life of an orphanage. Obviously, in the latter instances there will be little if any parental influence. In general the Fourth House defines our environment no matter how often it changes during our lifetime.

The initial phase of the home-life obviously will be broken either by marriage or vocation and a new home image created. Thus, under normal circumstances, a new sequence of domestic conditions are created which can be completely different from those of the parental home due to the influence and desires of the marriage partner. Further changes in these conditions can, again, be set up when a child or children are born. When the vocational aspirations compel a change, they can be of quite a drastic nature. Vocational activity in any field can cause a departure from one set home arrangement to one invariably of a very different character. These domestic or "living" conditions are termed the environment as distinct. from the work or business sphere, and this is the chief function over which the Fourth House rules.

The Sign on the cusp of the Fourth House will show the kind of parental domestic arrangement and family life into which one is born as well as the subsequent changes which are possible in connection with vocation and marriage or the setting up of an independent home.

Note: Remember in a future lesson you will he given a chart demonstrating the particular influence of each sign and each planet as it passes through each House. For the present, however, it is important that your knowledge of the significance of each House develops.

Apart from conditions of environments again depending upon the cusp Sign, the Fourth House has a very dominant rule over the conditions in operation during the closing years of life - the period generally known as "the end of life."

In a Mundane Figure, the Fourth House represents circumstances and events affecting real estate values, mines and the products, buildings, crops, produce and all agricultural interests.

In a National Figure it portrays the characteristics of any governmental opposition, and the time that such opposition may be expected to culminate.

In a court of law the Fourth House defines the efficiency of the jury.

In an organization it signals the real estate investments and the holdings.

The fourth house representing buildings, represents the religious-philanthropic
institutions one builds and also the trusts one creates or religious, philanthropic and other good trusts with the money one has.

In the life of an individual the fourth house represents his desire to pursue his
spiritual life in the quiet surroundings of a place, house or ashram with rhythmic regularity. In the case of a yogi it can represent pranayama or breath-control. But if such a house is disturbed, such persons find that by moving from one place to another only they can follow their spiritual pursuits.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 20)

The Third House (Travel, Studies, Relatives, Correspondence)

The Third House, ruling over quite a variety of conditions, may be termed "one of the composite" Houses in contradistinction to some of those which concentrate influence on one particular condition. For instance, while the First and Second Houses rule the temperament and finance respectively, the Third House, although exercising chief rule over short and medium distance travel also exerts an influence over personal relatives and all matters pertaining to them. This includes studies, writings, correspondence and all forms of communication excepting the television which is associated with the Ninth House. It is important to note that regarding relatives, the Third House indicates one's own relatives and not those of the marriage or business partner, as the latter come under the influence of the Ninth House.

All forms of travel, rail, road, air, water, fall under the demise of this House. The elemental nature of the Sign which occupies the cusp of this House will, to a great extent, indicate the personal preference toward the particular type of travel which is desired. The Fiery Signs indicate an attraction toward road travel, the Earthy Signs toward rail travel, the Air Signs attract toward air travel and the Watery Signs signal travel by water. It is important to remember that the Third House deals strictly with short and medium distance travel. Long distance travel as such comes under the influence of the Ninth House.

The Third House also signals the synthetizying powers of the mind and its ability to form sense impressions and mold destiny within one's social environment.

The Third House also signifies the type of study which an individual will follow and how much energy he will pour into it.

In a mundane figure the Third House defines all inland transit, traffic and communication and the nature of the public demands upon and the degree of public patronage accorded to the nation's transportation and communication facilities.

In a court of law the Third House influences the court reports.

In an organization it affects the traffic, transits, transportation and communication departments, inter-office communications and the specific information transmitted within the organization.

The third house known as the house of valour and courage becomes favorable if there is a malefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, Ketu in it. It shows a determination to apply oneself to spiritual practices with strong will.

Note – The third house, according to Maharshi Parashara, is the house of upadesha or religious preaching.

The third house also is to be seen for short and quick pilgrimages.

According to the Uttrta-kalamrita, the third house represents the part of the palm which is between the thumb and the index finger with which many rituals are performed.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 19)

The Second House

The family environment gives to one some spiritual tendencies, which is what the second house represents, being the house of Kutumba (or the family one is brought up in). Faith in religious and spiritual traditions are inherited and also acquired generally from parents. The second house represents it, besides, also being the house of speech. See the planets (particularly Jupiter, Venus, Mercury) without affliction to examine whether one has the tendency to speak truth or falsehood. The second also being the house of earnings, monetary gains etc., the charity one does with money and gifts are also to be seen from the second house.

Note – In this respect the role of the twelfth house is more important.

The Second House of the horoscope signals the personal financial interests of the native. It specifies the individual's attitudes towards money and it typifies the sources from which money can be obtained by personal effort and the ways in which it can be lost; either through personal extravagance, a wrong handling of affairs, as a result of other conditions intervening or through circumstances or persons associated in some way with the personal life.

It is necessary to point out here that when we talk about money gained or lost we do not mean as a result of speculation or investment for that comes under the influence of the Fifth House. When it is gained or lost through a legacy or an inheritance it is through the influence of the Eighth House. In the Second House we are concerned only with the gain or loss of money through the personal efforts.

The Sign which is on the cusp of the Second House exercises a very powerful radiation as it indicates the natural personal attitude toward financial affairs. It will show whether a person is naturally extravagant or the reverse, with all the intervening ratios. It will indicate the avenues through which money will be gained or lost as a result of personal action, and the people or things associated with such gains or losses. Since liberty depends largely upon the financial success or failure, this can also be referred to as the House of Liberty.

The Second House also stipulates the heredity and social background with which the native is equipped for the pursuit of his destiny. The secretive thoughts and desires of the native find their home in the Second House.

In a Mundane Figure the Second House exerts influence over the nation's wealth, taxation revenue, stocks, bonds, shares, and all places and activities connected in any way with money, such as banks, stock exchanges, trade and commerce. It sheds some influence on taxation but it does not consider the effect of the taxes on the people. It represents the purchasing power of the nation, its national expenditures and receipts, currency and its circulation and liquid assets.

In a National Figure it represents the Treasury.

In an organization it influences the liquid assets and voluntary expenditures and it will determine the ability of the Company to earn profits.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 18)

The Spirituality Associated With Houses

In delineating the effects of each house, the start should again be made with the spiritual promise of each house. By each house from the Lagna which is always the first house. Thus, for a person born with Meena lagna the first house is Meena, the second house Mesha and the twelfth house Kumbha etc.

Since spiritual astrology is generally kept a secret and astrologers do not pay attention to it, emphasis should be laid on this aspect both for the spiritual guidance of the person concerned and for preparation for a fine spiritual era into which mankind will enter after 2002 A.D.

The First House

The first house representing oneself, shows the beginning of awareness of spiritual side of human life. If three or more planets are in the first house, such persons, inspite of all distractions, can practice self-control with determination, and successfully.

From the first house springs the desire to enjoy peace generally and the tendency to renounce because the first stage of renunciation is physical. To understand it, the Four Purusharthas of classical Indian tradition should be understood. The first one is Dharma (religious conduct), the second is Artha (the desire to earn money), the third is the karma to enjoy life physically and the last is Moksha to make efforts to get salvation.

In Hindu astrology therefore starting from the lagna there are four trines for each the purusharthas which are:






Second house

Third house

Fourth house

Fifth house

Sixth house

Seventh house

Eighth house

Ninth house

Tenth house

Eleventh hosue

Twelfth house

There is anther set of four trines which depends on the division of human life into four parts, Brahmacharya (life of celibacy) Grihastha (the life of a householder) Vanaprastha (detaching oneself) from house-holder’s duties) and Sanyas (life of renunciation). The scheme of division is the same as in the earlier trines.





The first house

Second house

Third house

Fourth house

Fifthe house







Ninth house







In judging the spiritual importance of each of these houses, these trines should be kept in the mind.

It is always important to remember that the lagna and lord must not be ill-placed (in the eighth house, the sixth house or the twelfth house) and must not be afflicted by Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu particularly through conjunction or aspect. In such a case the health may be bad. It is sound health that alone ensures any type of achievement in anyone’s life, including spiritual achievements. It is in rare cases that a person with ill health but strong sense of renunciation can be spiritually exalted. But we must proceed on the premise that it is sound health that is the foundation of even good spiritual life.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 17)

The Ketu
It is dry and fiery in nature. Its affliction causes wounds, inflammations, fevers, intestinal disorders, aberrations, low blood pressure, deafness, defective speech and gives emaciated body with prominent veins. It is personified as a saint and inclines a person more towards mystic science and spiritual pursuits.
Ketu is the most baffling planet in astrology, spiritual, divine on the one hand and baffling in a medical sense.

Family – Represents maternal grand-parents (though Uttara Kalamrita takes paternal grand-parents), the slightly unorthodox members of the family.

Society – Ketu is the planet which plays key role in shaping a doctor or other men in semi-medical or alternative systems of medicine. Ketu, combined with other planets, produces inventors, men dealing with subtle secrets of nature around our world.

Notable – Some hints have been given here about the persons represented by different planets some of them are traditional and some of them are additional. For instance Ketu represents languages and linguists. These days when people learn computer it naturally falls under Ketu because there is computer language to be learnt.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 16)


Next to Saturn the most condemned planet is Rahu. Unless astrologers do new researches and see the positive side of these planets, more damage will be done to astrology than has already been done so far.
Rahu is personified as a diplomat and a shadowy planet and a legendary deceptor when disposed beneficially. Indicates diplomatic jobs, jobs requiring manipulations with facts, deals in poisons and drugs. It signifies cheats, pleasure seekers, insincere and immoral acts, etc.
It is phlegmatic in nature and gives malignant growth. When afflicting, causes malignant growth, disease of phlegm, intestines, boils, skin, ulcers, spleen, worms, high blood pressure, etc. It gives smoky and unpleasant appearance due to habits of overeating, resulting in foul smells and unclean body and nails.

Family – Paternal grand-parents (though Uttar Kalamrita also uses Rahu for maternal grand-parents), old, sick person in the family and those that become nonconformist's.

Society – The foreigner, the engineer, the architect, the space engineer, the politician, air hostesses, aeroplane pilots and manifold new technical and semitechnical professions fall in the domain of Rahu.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 15)

The Saturn
Saturn’s mean distance from earth is 14.11 x 10 8. The nearest distance of Saturn from Sun is 13.29x108 kms and farthest distance from Sun is 14.93x108 kms. It completes a revolution around the Sun in 29.46 years. The mass of Saturn is 95.14 times that of earth, volume 743.7 times that of earth and its density is only 0.7 times that of water. Saturn has 10 satellites. The Titan and Lapetus are massive satellites of Saturn. Titan is about the same size as the planet Mercury. Its dia is 4777kms. The dia of Lapetus is 1752 kms. Three concentric rings surround Saturn. These rings are separate and there is only black empty space in between any two rings, Saturn appears like a blue ball with 3 yellow rings.
Saturn is called Yama because it is the chief governor of longevity. Saturn is the father of Gulika and Mandi. It is also called Neelan and lord Shiva. It is said and be ‘Lame’. Saturn is son of Sun. Some people say that Saturn represents ‘Brahma’. Saturn is the counterfeit of Jupiter as former destroys while the latter applies pressures and expands. Saturn is also called St. Peter holding the keys of both Heaven and Hell. It rules over hard and laborious work as well as over responsible positions in life. Saturn is a planet of delay.
Saturn is barren, binding, cold, constant, dry, defensive, hard, nervous and secretive planet. It is the lord of West direction and governs Shishir Ritu (February and march). Its color is blue, jet black and indigo. It is considered as an evil planet and it reigns over poverty, misfortune, death, unending problems, delays, hindrances, chronic and lingering diseases, old age etc.
Saturn gives the native dark color, thin built, prominent veins, thick nails, protruding teeth, coarse and thick hair, long hands and feet. From the face native appears older then his actual age. Native is dirty, angry, dreadful, foolish, full of wrinkles and a talebearer. Native is merciless and melancholic. Saturn makes one a little deaf. Parts of the body represented by Saturn are the right ear, obstruction of bodily fluids, obstruction in urine and retention of waste materials, hardening of synovial membrane, teeth, bones, knees, spinal chord, hair and growth. Where Saturn is afflicted it causes delays, disappointment, disharmony, dispute, despondency, dejection, differences, distrust etc. It gives persistent bad luck, up-hill struggles, sorrows and disappointments. It makes the native drunkard, gambler, lazy and lethargic.
When Saturn is beneficial it gives good qualities like endurance, economy, thrift, patience, perseverance, power of retaining secrets, permanence, stability, self control, sense of duty towards God and man, accuracy, precaution in all matters. It develops in an individual truth, charity, power of meditation and concentration, sincerity, prudence, asceticism etc.
The diseases indicated by Saturn are cancer, paralysis, sciatica, Bright’s disease, colds, deafness, tooth decay, diphtheria, insanity, rheumatism, asthma, consumption, defective speech, catarrh, gallstones, curvature of spine, hemorrhoids, asthma, gout, skin disease, fracture etc.
The products represented by Saturn are kerosene, petrol, coal, mine ores, leather, hides, skin, wood, potato, black pulses, barley, rye, mustard oil, wine, black articles, plantain, ivy, hemp, hellebore, aconite, thistle, leguminous seeds.
Saturn represents animals like cat, asses, hare, wolves, bear, crocodile, serpents and venomous creatures, buffaloes, camels. It also represents birds like eel, sea fish, bats and owls.
Saturn represents places like hills, forests, deserts, caves, dens and old and ruined buildings, churches, temples, trenches, wells, stinking places, slum areas, dirty places tanning factories, bone factory etc.
Precious gems/ metals represented by Saturn are blue sapphire, amethyst, iron, lead, steel and antimony. Native whose lord of ascendant is Saturn can wear the ring of blue sapphire in gold in middle finger in the constellation of Saturn.
Hindu astrologers are mostly superstitious in their understanding and treatment of the significations of Saturn. True, Saturn represents, trouble, sorrow, old age, sickness. Yet in all the great classics of Hindu astrology Saturn has been given some other beneficent roles which are overlooked. My best research given in my books emphasise the positive side of Saturn with many illustrations.

Family – Old men and servants in the family. Old, dilapidated houses specially made of bricks. For those born at night Saturn represents father, taking the place of the Sun, the natural significator of father.

Society – If the Sun is the aristocrat, Saturn is the democrat while Mars is the dictator. These hints help us in making predictions about the type of government a nation will have at a given point of time. Lower classes, democrats, crippled persons, old men, are represented by Saturn in traditional astrology.

In the changed socio-economic times of ours, Saturn is the seeker of powers through elections to democratic bodies, iron-smiths and also industrialists (in cooperation with Mars), a psychologist in cooperation with Jupiter, an artist in cooperation with Venus, a sculptor in co-operation with Mercury etc.

Notable – Astrologers who fail to seek the very wide and sweeping range of all new professions created by Saturn will fall into thousands of errors of judgments.