Dr. Upendra Agarwal

created by
Dr. Upendra Agarwal

Monday, June 28, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 9)

Persons whom these Planets Represent in
Daily Life

Now, if we take the normal day to day, mundane affairs, these very planets represent the following worldly persons.

The Sun

The Sun is the center of solar system. Its mean distance from earth is 14,96,00,000 kms. It is nearest to earth in January every year when it is 14,71,03,000 kms and farthest in July when its distance from earth is 15,21,06,000 kms. Its diameter is 13,92 000 kms (109.3 times of earth’s diameter), surface area is 6.087 x 1012 square kms. (1,20,000 times of earth’s surface area), Volume is 1.41 x 1018 cubic kms. (1,306,000 times the earth’s volume) and mass is 1.99 x 1030 kgs. The average rotation of Sun in zodiac is 10 per day and therefore it takes exactly one year to go around the zodiac.
Sun is a symbol of spirit. It is considered as soul of kalapursha. Sun is considered as king of all planets. Possibly Sunday is kept as a holiday every where so that people are able toworship Sun on Sundays. Sun represents lord Brahma with his four faces causing the four seasons and four elements (Fire, Air, Earth, Water). The Sun offers us power of resistance and vitality. It rules our consciousness. It gives us force and will power and makes one determined and decisive. Sun is hot, dry, masculine and positive planet. He is god of Fire and fiery in nature. Sun is lord of direction East and governs ‘Grishma’ season (June-July). His color is orange.
Sun represents father of the native, kings, the government and those in authority. In female horoscope, it represents husband. Sun gives the native honey colored eyes and large and round face. It makes color of body and hair lighter in shade and gives a bilious temperament. Parts of the body ruled by Sun are heart, head, brain, right eye in males and left eye in females, bones, mouth, spleen, throat, lungs, arteries, blood and its circulation.
When Sun is afflicted it makes the native arrogant, mean, boastful, irritable, jealous, wavering temperament, angry, proud, immoral.
When Sun is beneficial it gives boldness, commanding ability, fame, position, dignity, vitality, energy, happiness, royal appearance, optimism, power, success, good health, warmth, affection, good temperament, respect to elders, honour from government, wealth.

Health - The diseases indicated by Sun are heart problems, epilepsy, cerebral, meningitis, aphasia, polypus, eye disease, high fever, baldness, low blood pressure, and sunstroke.

Family – The father in a family and paternal relations, the Sun is also a dignified administrative authority.

Society – The King in a monarchy, the Sun is the dignitary in modern democracies
and represents highly placed persons whether in government service or private

Products - The products represented by Sun are rice, groundnut, coconut, almonds, chillies, myrobalans, wheat, lavender, saffron, gur, pungent taste juice, orange, asafoetida, cardamoms, poison, laurel, vermin, cedar, marigold, pod grains etc.

Animals - Sun represents all majestic animals like lion, boar, horse, and serpents. It also represents Lark, swan, nightingale and other singing birds.

Abode - Sun represents places like mountains, forests, Shiva temples, fortress, government buildings, public offices like District Boards, panchayat etc.

Precious metals & Gems - Gems represented by Sun are Gold, Copper and Ruby. Native whose lord of ascendant is Sun can wear the ring of Ruby in copper or gold in ring finger in the constellation of Sun.

The king of the solar system, is the king always and everywhere. The level of regal splendour he shows will depend on his condition in a horoscope.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 8)

Learning Some Basics of Predictive

The Memory Table given before is P.A.C.

The memory table will be expanded now to make it a complete scheme. But before learning them, it is necessary to understand some technical terms of astrology which are used more commonly.

1. Kendras (Quadrants) – The Lagna, the fourth, seventh and the tenth houses of the lagna are called kendras and the lords of those houses are called lords of kendras, wherever they may be placed in a horoscope.

2. Trikonas (Trines) – The lagna and the fifth and the ninth houses from the lagna are trines. The lords of the fifth and ninth houses have been described as trikonas which is a fallacy. The word 'tri' in Sanskrit means 'three'. In what is known as the ashtakvarga, in trikona shodhana , the lagna, the fifth and the ninth houses are taken. Thus lagna lord is both a kendra lord and also the trikona lord.

3. Panapharas (Cadent) – The second, fifth, the eighth and the eleventh houses are known as panapharas. Then a special term used is Upachaya house which are the third, sixth, tenth and eleventh houses and their lords.

4. Apoklimas (Succudent) – The third, sixth, ninth and the twelfth houses are known as apolklima. But since the ninth house is trikona, it is generally omitted from this category.

Points to Remember

In understanding the meaning of P.A.C. the combinations of the lords of these houses, or the aspect of one of them on a house or a planet or the mutual aspects of the lords of these houses reveal the secrets of horoscope. It is an area of ever-expanding research, very simple apparently, but very complex.

In the example horoscope, kendras are Kanya, Dhanu, Meena and Mithuna.

Trikonas are Kanya, Makar, Vrisha.

Panapharas are Tula, Makar, Mesha, Karka.

Apoklimas are Vrishchika, Kumbha, Vrisha (Omit it) and Simha.

It will be good if a reader gets used to these terms after understanding how these terms come into a writer’s articles in so natural a way that the writer does not know that they may appear foreign to many.

The permutations and combinations of these, lords of kendras, trikonas, panapahars, apoklimas and upachayas are used for predictions.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 7)


After revising it now the first preliminary step takes you into predictive astrology.
This is the aspect of planets. These aspects are general and special. Let me first take up general aspects.

All planets aspect the seventh house form their position. It can tabulated thus.

Keep practising this lesson first.

Take up any horoscope and see which planets, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are aspecting the 7th house from its location in a horoscope. This must become a natural habit with you.

You must remember that planets give their effects not merely from where they are in a horoscope but also produce these effects in the house which they aspect.

Three planets Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have special aspects. Mars has two additional aspects the fourth and the eighth. Jupiter has two additional aspects the fifthe and the ninth. Saturn has two additional aspects the third and the tenth.

So Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will have three aspects, one general and two special. These are being given in a tabular form here.

Note – Mars will influence four houses, the first the house where he is positioned in and then three other houses through his general and special aspects.

Remember – Even when Mars is in transit he will be aspecting three houses and is positioned in one house. I have made an effective use of this in my books, "Planets and Children

P (Position) A (Aspect) C (Conjunction)

Remember that first leg of the Memory Tablet PAC is P.

How this P is applied is being shown here. After this try any other horoscope.

Why you must start with P first?

1. Remember by doing P you start your astrological adventure of collecting information, intelligence and clues about the lord of each house of a horoscope. A particular lord may be excellently placed while another may be in a bad condition.

2. Now you begin to see that life is never a story of all round joy or total sorrow.

3. But P is only the opening chapter of a seven layered story of your life which this book will teach.

4. So proceed patiently first by doing this exercise intensely.


There is no book on Hindu astrology in which such tables have been given to oversimplify the understanding of aspects and earlier, of friendships and enmities of planets, as here. It has been done mainly with the intention to help people avoid memorizing. The traditional subject, late in their lives, and have no capacity to memorise. When learning through rote memory is not possible, what is surely possible is to learn through associative memory.

My Advice

1. Never start the analysis of any horoscope without applying the Memory Tablet coined by me to make learning of astrology easy, methodical and scientific.

2. As you will see in the given example of John F Kennedy, the tragedy of his career is well explained by wrong placement of many lords of different houses

3. You can develop your own astrological skill when you apply the first of two Memory Tablets, I am teaching and keep repeating it... the first limb of PAC is P.

In the state of Uttar Pradesh there is a special branch of police known as PAC created to control communal riots.

But the astrological PAC is meant to control anarchical and chaotic analysis of a horoscope.

Therefore I have evolved a memory tablet, the first part of which is :

PAC – P stands for the position a planet has occupied in a horoscope. Instead of taking fragmentary, confused and unsynthesized view, it is better, to proceed systematically so that you are able to arrive at a meaningful conclusion.

In all horoscopes first of all see how the lord of a particular house is placed.

Therefore let me read a sermon to you first a dangerous sermon, which if you remember, you will not take a fragmentary, muddle-headed and jumbled view of a horoscope.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 6)

Your Moon Sign

From the foregoing discussion about your Lagna, it must have become clear to you
what your Sun-sign (Hindu) is.

But in Hindu astrology you must know your Moon-sign also.

Degrees of the Moon

Your Moon will be at certain degrees in some rashi hence in some nakshatra, say of Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn or Mercury (one of these nine). Moon Sign, Lagna and the Sun Sign can be different Your Moon-sign is your rashi as distinguished from your lagna. If a specific question is put to you, tell me your lagna, the Moon-sign and the Sun-sign, you now know that they are three different points in your horoscope to be made use of for predictions.
So the answer can be.

(a) Lagna is Mesha, Moon-sign or rashi is Mithuna but the Sun-sign is Kanya, all the three at three different places.

(b) They can also be at two points if the Lagna or the Moon or the Sun or the Lagna and the Moon and Sun are in only two signs.

(c) All the three can be in one sign only.

Your may have sometime or the other read about your life on the basis of Sun-signs or the Moon-signs and may even have been reading daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly forecasts. Now can the patterns of destiny of the entire mankind be divided only in twelve signs, since there are only twelve rashis? Have you seen the absurdity of the situation? So do not get addicted to such prediction.

Your Janma Nakshatra

On the basis of your Moon, you can see what was your Janma nakshatra (or birth
constellation). It has to be one of the twenty-seven constellations mentioned earlier.

1. Your janma-nakshatra is important for calculating the time-cycle described as the Vimshottari dasha of 120 years. Depending on your janma nakshatra what period of which planet your are passing through is the most vital factor for predictions.

2. If you were born in the nakshatra of Ketu (7 years) it will be followed by that of Venus (20 years) etc. See the chart on nakshatras.

3. These are called mahadashas. Each mahadasha is sub-divided into nine antardashas or sub-periods. and each antar-dasha is sub-divided into nine pratyantar dasha, each prayantar dasha is divided into nine sookshma dashas, each sookshma dasha is divided into nine prana dasha. This five-fold division of dasha is the most extraordinary and unparalleled system of timing events in the history of astrology.

4. Do not be surprised if I tell you that though the Vimshottari dasha is the most popular, in Hindu astrology there are forty-five Jaimini dasha-systems and another fifty-four nakshatra dasha systems of Parashara, the greatest astrological genius the world has ever produced.

Divisions of Dashas for Timing Events

We will be using only the Vimshottari dash in the book and all our illustrations will refer to

(a) The Mahadasha (the major period)

(b) The Antar dasha (the sub-period) and

(c) The Pratyantar dasha (the sub-sub-period) only.

No use of the fourth division (sookshma dasha or the fifth division prana dasha) is being made use of here. But in two cases when I made use of where I was absolutely assured that the birth time noted was without any error and the calculation of the horoscope was cast hundred percent correct.


1. Do not jump to any conclusion, generally pessimistic or optimistic, only on the basis of the dasha-antardasha etc. But rest assured the sixty percent of correct predictions are based on it. This is the best ever method of timing events ever devised by mankind.

2. After you have become familiar with the use of the dasha system, use transits of planets. Those who over-emphsise the role of transit of planets without first examining the promised results of dasha, are like people who are measuring the size of an elephant on the basis of the length its tail. But first revise what you have been taught so far, step by step.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 5)


You were born on some day of some month of some year at a particular time and in a particular place with your lagna being one of twelve: Mesha,Vrisha, Mithuna, Karka, Tula, Vrishchik, Dhanu, Makar, Kumbha or Meena. To arrive at a Lagna some calculations are to be done. Since, we are, however, avoiding mathematics, only a rough method of checking the horoscope in a Hindu chart is explained.

In Hindu astrology the Sun changes from one rashi into another in the middle of English months. If you remember this, you will know where your Sun should be at the time of your birth.

Keep calculating at this rate, the lagna changing after every two hours. Four cardinal points are useful to do this exercise easily.

At sunrise the Sun will be in the Lagna.

During the mid-day in the fourth house from the Sun.

At sun-set in the seventh house from the Sun.

At mid-night in the tenth house form the Sun.


1. Do not apply this blindly. It is a very rough method made use of by astrologers to answer questions (horary or prashna astrology) when they are required to answer question while in a train or an aeroplane where they cannot calculate with the tools which they keep with them.

2. Sunrise and sunset change from place to place and country to country. Still this method will be found to be working satisfactorily. On this basis I predicted the victory of Columbia against Switzerland in June 1994 at San Fransisco. The calculation was done mentally while sitting in the football stadium, watching the World Cup Football (in USA they call it soccer) matches. I repeated it at Santa Fe when I was watching the finals between Brazil and Italy on the television. My prediction was that Brazil would win and one of the Italian players would be injured. This prediction too came out correct, exactly.

3. But how can we apply this to arctic regions where there are six-months of day and six-months of night. I have no answer but I am confident I can solve this problem, if given some astrological data. I am not aware if any Indian astrologer has an answer to it.

4. After making such mental calculations see your computer cast horoscope for an analysis.

5. Keep doing the exercise. It will help you concentrate on a horoscope, which in turn, will sharpen your predictive powers.

See the examples given here. It is a rough method of mentally calculating the lagna when the duration of day and night are more or less equal or do not have much difference.

The position, month by month for 2008 (almost all years) will be as follows –

1. January 14th, Makar or Capricon at 10 am.

2. Februay 12th, Kumbha or Aquarius at 11:02 pm.

3. March 14th, Meena or Pisces at 7:59 pm.

4. April 13/14 midnight at 4:31 am. (In India the day begins at sunrise)

5. May 14/15 at 1:23 am.

6. June 15th at 7:59 am.

7. July 16th at 6:51 am.

8. August 16/17 at 3:14 am.

9. September 16/17 at 3:9 am.

10. October 17th at 3:4 am.

11. November 16th at 2:49 pm.

12. December 15/16 at 4:26 am.

For a birth in the U.S.A. or any other country this will undergo some change by some hours only. A good computer programme will solve this problem.

Calculate your Lagna or the Ascendant of the Rising Sign

Your should still be able to calculate mentally on the basis of your Sun-sign (as given in Hindu astrology) the birth ascendant of yours, at least approximately. It is done thus.

1. See where the Sun is at the time of your birth. Suppose you were born on April 20, you then know that your Sun-sign (in Hindu Astrology) is Mesha or Aries.
Roughly each ascendant lasts for two hours. Therefore start form your Sun-sign and proceed thus –

2. Sun at birth is in Mesha or Aries, so for two hours in the morning the ascendant or Lagna will be Mesha. After two hours, the Lagna will be Taurus or Vrishabha.

3. Another easy way of remembering it is, If you were born at sunrise your Sun will be in your Lagna. After two hours it will move to next sign

Friday, June 18, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 4)

In Astrology Lesson 4 we will learn about Nakshatras
and do some astrological exercises to deepen our
understanding of the concepts we have learnt.


Now you must know something about the twenty-seven nakshatras. Each nakshatra
takes 13 degrees and 20 minutes uniformly. If 13'20 is multiplied by 27 it gives you
360 which is the total equal to the twelve houses referred to earlier.
There are two methods of tabulating these Nakshatras.
One method shows the degrees of Nakshatras from 0 to 360 and the other shows the
degrees occupied by each Nakshatra in each sign.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 3)

Exaltation & Debilitation

A planet is in an extremely happy condition when he is exalted and is in an
extremely miserable condition when he is debilitated (It is not always true, But this
fundamental principle is useful for prediction). When and upto what degrees in a sign
is a planet exalted is the first lesson you learn.

Note : Except Mercury who is exalted in Kanya no other planet gets any exalted
status in its own house.

Note: All exalted planets get debilitated in the seventh house from their points of
exaltations. For instance the Sun is exalted in Mesha. Now count in this way – Mesha
first, Vrisha second, Mithuna third, Karka ending with Tula which is the seventh
house from Aries.


The second best condition for planets is called as the Moolatrikona. Remember it.

Sun in Simha upto 20 degrees
Moon in Vrishabha upto 27 degree
Mars in Mesha upto 12 degrees
Mercury in Kanya upto 20 degrees
Jupiter in Dhanu upto 10 degrees
Venus in Tula upto 15 degrees
Saturn in Kumbha upto 20 degrees

Note: Except the Moon all other planets get the Moolatrikona condition in one of
their own houses.

Own House

The third best condition for a planet is to be in its own house (other than Moolatrikona house which, except in the case of the Moon is of course its own house). Remember it thus:

Note : Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn recognize the same house in which they are in a moolatrikona condition, as their own houses. But their other houses are also their own houses. The only exception is the Moon.
These are three of the happiest conditions for planets in different houses

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 2)

Friendship and Enmities of Planets

Allotment of Zodiac Houses for Planets

The problem is to allot twelve houses, without partitioning a single one to seven planets, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. If these twelve houses which are to be allotted to seven planets each planet will get 1.71% house.
The solution given in Hindu astrology is: the Sun owns only one house or rashi, Leo
or Simha and the Moon owns only one rashi, Cancer or Karka. Solution Now there
are ten houses and five planets awaiting allotment.
The easy solution that emerges out now is allot two houses to each of the five

The Scheme of Allotment thus arrived at is:

Mars is allotted Mesha (Aries) & Vrishchika (Scorpio), two each.
Venus is allotted Vrishabha (Taurus) & Tula (Libra), two each.
Mercury is allotted Mithuna (Gemini) & Kanya (Virgo), two each.
Jupiter is allotted Dhanu (Sagittarius) & Meena (Pisces), two each.
Saturn is allotted Makara (Capricorn) & Kumbha (Aquarius), two each.
There is a very easy way to remember it. Divide these twelve rashis into two
divisions six belonging to the Moon and six belonging to the Sun.
The rashi number of the Moon is four (Karka) proceed in backward direction from
here 4, 3, 2, 1, 12 and 11. The rashi number of the Sun is five (Simha) and proceed
in forward direction from here 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

The Lunar Half 4 3 2 1 12 11

The Solar Half 5 6 7 8 9 10

Now Re-arrange It Thus:

Lunar Half : Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

Solar Half : Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

To sum up Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn move in a backward direction
from Karka. Repeat it from Simha in forward direction.

Happy and Unhappy Conditions of Planets

Hindu astrology which deals with the happy and unhappy conditions of human beings
who are happy or unhappy or indifferent or very comfortable in some surroundings,
comfortable in some, less comfortable in some, uncomfortable in some and
miserable in some, so too planets have different conditions and different moods. The
condition of planets in a horoscope reflects it.

Note: Do not take it literally because there are many brilliant exceptions to these
rules. If that is not remembered, only a gloomy and fatalistic view of a horoscope will
have to be taken, as many astrologers do.
Just as the company of different human beings and different surroundings create
different moods in you so do planets in a horoscope. Planets are happy in some
conditions and unhappy in some other conditions. There are varying emotional

Before you learn the following lesson, overcome the mechanistic attitude of the age
we live. Astrology of Hindus is not a set of formulae to be applied in a push-button
way. What is being given here is for a quick understanding of the fundamentals only.
Do not take them as final pronouncements. If you commit that mistake, you will
become dogmatic.
Hindu astrology is world's most developed astrology because India is the land where
astrology originated and, was developed over a period of thousands of years. Here
many astrological experiments have been done and many techniques tested and retested.
Avoid dogma but follow the steps given below. The more flexible but, not
romantically stupid, you are in learning astrology, the better are the chances of your developing proper astrological ability.
Remember it step by step

Monday, June 14, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 1)

Astrological Days,Signs, Planets and

Days, Signs, Planets
This blog is being written without dealing with the mathematical part. If you read it
step by step and then see your own and others’ horoscope, you will be able to
understand, technically, the astrological discussion. You will also get familiar with the
terminology of Hindu astrology.

Days of the Week
1. To do that remember the first lesson in three parts: start counting the
weekdays – Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday. These seven days represent seven planets – Sun, Moon, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
2. In Hindu astrology we make use of two other planets, called the shadowy
planets, called Rahu and Ketu. This gives you a total of nine planets. It is why
we have the famous navagraha stotra or worship of nine planets.
Note : In Hindu astrology we do not use, Uranus (Herschel), Pluto and
Neptune. In the scheme of stotra these planets have no place, though an
American has given mantras for these three planets also in his book which is
not given in any book of Hindu astrology we have or know of.
Note : Now, also remember the sacred number 108 which are the number
of beads we have in the garland, of tulasi or rudraksha with which we do our
3. The part of the first lesson is: there are 27 Nakshatras or Asterisms or
Lunar mansions that we make use of in Hindu astrology. It is a very
remarkable, brilliant and subtle division which is being explained later.
Each nakshatra has four equal parts. Again you will see that twenty-seven
multiplied by four gives you one hundred and eight number (108) which are
the number of beads we have in the garland, of tulasi or rudraksha with which
we do our japam.

Name of Day Ruler of the Day
1. Ravivar or Sunday 1. Ravi, Surya, Bhanu or Sun
2. Somavar or Monday 2. Chandra, Indu or Moon or Luna
3. Mangalvar orTuesday 3. Mangal, Kuja or Mars
4. Budhavar or Wednesday 4. Budha or Mercury
5. Brihaspativar or Thursday 5. Guru, Brihaspati or Jupiter
6. Shukravar or Friday 6. Shukra, Bhargava or Venus
7. Shanivar or Saturday 7. Saturn, Shani, or Manda

Note : No days are allotted for Rahu or Ketu. South Indian astrologers allot a
specified time on each of the days for Rahu and call it Rahukalam during which time
they avoid all auspicious work.
Note : Rahu and Ketu cannot be seen through any telescope like other planets. Yet,
how effective and accurate is their use in Hindu astrology clearly proves that the
ancient rishis combined their knowledge of physical sciences with metapysical
knowledge which we call Yogic.