Dr. Upendra Agarwal

created by
Dr. Upendra Agarwal

Monday, June 14, 2010

Learn Astrology ( Lesson 1)

Astrological Days,Signs, Planets and

Days, Signs, Planets
This blog is being written without dealing with the mathematical part. If you read it
step by step and then see your own and others’ horoscope, you will be able to
understand, technically, the astrological discussion. You will also get familiar with the
terminology of Hindu astrology.

Days of the Week
1. To do that remember the first lesson in three parts: start counting the
weekdays – Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday. These seven days represent seven planets – Sun, Moon, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
2. In Hindu astrology we make use of two other planets, called the shadowy
planets, called Rahu and Ketu. This gives you a total of nine planets. It is why
we have the famous navagraha stotra or worship of nine planets.
Note : In Hindu astrology we do not use, Uranus (Herschel), Pluto and
Neptune. In the scheme of stotra these planets have no place, though an
American has given mantras for these three planets also in his book which is
not given in any book of Hindu astrology we have or know of.
Note : Now, also remember the sacred number 108 which are the number
of beads we have in the garland, of tulasi or rudraksha with which we do our
3. The part of the first lesson is: there are 27 Nakshatras or Asterisms or
Lunar mansions that we make use of in Hindu astrology. It is a very
remarkable, brilliant and subtle division which is being explained later.
Each nakshatra has four equal parts. Again you will see that twenty-seven
multiplied by four gives you one hundred and eight number (108) which are
the number of beads we have in the garland, of tulasi or rudraksha with which
we do our japam.

Name of Day Ruler of the Day
1. Ravivar or Sunday 1. Ravi, Surya, Bhanu or Sun
2. Somavar or Monday 2. Chandra, Indu or Moon or Luna
3. Mangalvar orTuesday 3. Mangal, Kuja or Mars
4. Budhavar or Wednesday 4. Budha or Mercury
5. Brihaspativar or Thursday 5. Guru, Brihaspati or Jupiter
6. Shukravar or Friday 6. Shukra, Bhargava or Venus
7. Shanivar or Saturday 7. Saturn, Shani, or Manda

Note : No days are allotted for Rahu or Ketu. South Indian astrologers allot a
specified time on each of the days for Rahu and call it Rahukalam during which time
they avoid all auspicious work.
Note : Rahu and Ketu cannot be seen through any telescope like other planets. Yet,
how effective and accurate is their use in Hindu astrology clearly proves that the
ancient rishis combined their knowledge of physical sciences with metapysical
knowledge which we call Yogic.