The Mars
Propelled by an atlas-centaur orbit our spacecraft rapidly approaches Mars and sets down into an orbit about 1,000 miles above the ruddy surface. The colors are burnt ocher in the bright areas and a gray red in the dark, with none of the greens and blues observers "see" in their telescopes. The bright greens and blues are simply optical illusions. Incredible huge crators appear and Nix Olympica (snow of olympus) a bright-ringed crater 300 miles across, and Soles Lacus (lake of the sun) are among the more notable ones. These romantic names were given at a time when every educated man was steeped in mythology.
The craters dominate the landscape and we see no mountain chains, no bodies of water, no canals. The atmosphere seems clear almost to the horizon, where a narrow rim of bluish haze, with an occasional bright patch, gives way quickly to the blackness of space. A diminished sun shines some 130,000,000 miles away, only 2/3 of its remembered size. Only half as much solar energy is falling on Mars as on earth.
The circle and the cross, as was the case with Venus, compose the symbol of Mars. The difference is that the cross is now at the top. The whole symbol implies the concept of matter emerging from the sun or the influence of solar activity in the creation of matter. For this reason Mars is said to rule creativity, new outpourings of energy, construction, invention, ceaseless activity, force, power, work, strife, war, and death. It promulgates the endless new stream of energy which brings about new forms; hence it is said to rule the sex energies.
Mars is considered a malific planet and so it lends a harmful influence in the horoscope depending on its position. For instance when the rays of Mars play on the moon, they single out the instinct of pugnacity, anger and self-assertiveness. Mars can either make these forces extremely detrimental or it can exalt them into the noblest of virtues - courage, strength of character, self-confidence, and power.
The very symbol of Mars in its ancient form is that of the orb of power given to kings at their coronation. In pictures made for the church during the Middle Ages, God the father-creator is distinguished from the other members of the trinity by the fact that he carries the orb - the symbol of Mars - denoting power and creation.
Mars is of the fire element and hence it displays ceaseless activity, zeal and fervor. It is positive or masculine and it rules two signs and two houses, Aries and the first house, Scorpio and the eighth house. Pluto has some rule over Scorpio too. The fire of Mars usually results in heat whereas the fire of the sun should result in light.
Mars is the natural commander-in-chief in astrology.
Family – Brothers, sisters.
Notable – Some astrologers following the Bhrigu system of Hindu astrology give to Mars the role of a woman in a man’s life. While many astrologers do not accept this, there is strong enough reason to go deeper into this aspect as some of my researches prove this to be very valid.
Society – Mars gives an important marital point which pertains to marriage which is why in Hindu astrology so much stress is laid on Mangalya (happiness of a marriage) and also Kujadosha (Kuja is a synonym for Mars). In social life, Mars represents the army, the police and men in uniform, administrators, men in high position, rulership, estate agents etc.