Persons whom these Planets Represent in
Daily Life
Now, if we take the normal day to day, mundane affairs, these very planets represent the following worldly persons
The Moon
The average distance between Earth and Moon is 3,84,400 kms. Because of elliptical shape of the orbits of Sun and Moon, minimum and maximum distance between Earth and Moon is 3,63,000 kms. and 4,06,000 kms respectively. The radius of moon is approx 1738 kms. (0.2725 times. The radius of earth) and mass of moon is 1/81.3 of the earth’s mass. In fact moon is a satellites of earth but in astrology it is considered as a planet because of its size and proximity to earth. The moon can be observed to cross any particular celestial meridian, every 27.32166 days, which is the sidereal period of Moon. The period between the one full moon and next full moon is 29.5306 days which is also called lunar month.
Like the Sun, the other planet representing royalty is the Moon.
Mythology - Moon is negative, giving changeable and plastic nature and rules over personality and form. Moon is considered as a mind of kalpurush. Moon is the queen of solar system. She is the Virgin Mary of the Roman Catholics and the mother of the Heavens. While the Sun pours spirit and life to all planetary bodies, the moon governs over the life of the beings on earth.
She is the Luna (Diana), the Queen of the night. She is the Goddess and also a huntress. She governs chastity as well as fertility.
Nature - Moon is a cold, moist, feminine, changeable, receptive and negative planet. She is lord of North – West direction and governs Varsha Ritu (August – September). Moon is watery in nature. Her color is silvery white or sea – green. Her chief domain is over the mind, the sleep, and all the fruits of the earth and flowers. She rules over the multitude, the masses, travelling, female relatives, commerce, business, and such professions which deal in liquids. She rules over the place of residence.
Physical Features - Moon gives the native corpulent body, white complexion, lovely eyes, black and thin hair, tender speech and mild temper. Parts of the body ruled by moon are left eye of the male and the right eye of the female, breasts, esophagus, stomach, uterus, ovaries, lymphatic, bladder, synovial fluid. Waxing moon rules over the arteries, motor nerves and the muscles while the waning moon rules the veins, sensory nerves, sense organs and the glands.
Family – Represents the mother and everything connected with mother.
Society – The wise men (Dwija) of the society, popular person and in democracies, the Moon aspected
Effects - When Moon is afflicted she makes the native unfortunate, sick in infancy and old age, deformed, impulsive, over anxious, indecisive, rash, depressed, pessimistic. When Moon is beneficial she gives high position in public life, good family life, courtesy, amiable nature, easy – going and pleasing personality, timidness, magnetism, desire for wealth and worldly things, interest for psychic subjects and taste for all delicious fruits.
Health - The diseases indicated by moon are lunacy, eye-disease, paralysis, hysteria, epilepsy, colic, cough and cold, measles, intestinal problems, dyspepsia, hydrocele, diseases caused due to excess of drink, bronchitis, asthama, tumors, nervous debility, dysentery, cancer, typhoid.
Products - The products represented by moon are oranges, melon, white poppy, cucumber, palm, mushroom, algae, wintergreen. pumpkin, mercury, sugarcane, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, betel leaves, silver, salt, rice, cream, foreign liquor, fruit juice, pearl, curd, herbs that turn towards the moon.
Animals - Moon represents animals like dog, cat, mouse, amphibious creatures, horse. She also represents goose, crab, duck, water- bird, tortoise, owl, and oyster.
Abode - Moon represents places like mountains, fortresses, ocean, river, place of residence etc.
Metals & Gems - Precious Gems represented by moon are pearl and all white stones. Metals represented are Silver,tin, and other white metals. Native whose lord of ascendant is moon can wear the ring of these stones in silver in ring finger in the constellation of moon.